Love, Joy, Peace...
Income Statement
July-August 2024

General Offerings $    15,134.85 
TOTAL INCOME $ 15,134.85 
Accounting $          (83.60)
Benevolence Gift $          (10.00)
Bus Expense $          (59.34)
Childrens Ministry $          (53.38)
Church Literature $         118.68 
Cleaning Services $        (864.94)
Credit Card Fees $          (69.14)
Feed the Kids $     (1,108.54)
General Supplies $          (22.30)
General Payroll $     (2,360.00)
WFS $          (59.10)
Kitchen Supplies $        (188.48)
Love Offering $        (150.00)
Licenses and subscriptions $          (41.46)
Maintenance $        (422.61)
Medicare $          (34.22)
Mileage/Travel $          (41.84)
Mission Giving $         101.00 
Minister's Retirement $        (732.00)
Minister Wages $     (1,600.00)
Minister Housing $     (1,900.00)
Minister QSEHRA (Health care) $     (1,400.00)
Office supplies $          (37.80)
Social Security $        (146.32)
Youth Ministry $           42.78 
Utilities $     (1,918.79)
Total Expense $   (13,041.40)
NET POSITION $   2,093.45